Want to join the fun & support WBYO!?!
Click the registration form below!
Register NOW by filling out the registration form and submitting it to us!
- You are welcome to send a scanned copy of your completed form to [email protected]
- Alternatively, you are welcome to visit our center at 646 Portage Avenue between 1:00 PM and 9:00 PM to drop off a physical copy of your form!
The 5ish Fun Run is WBYO's annual fundraiser. All proceeds go to WBYO and all that we do!
The Run starts at Mulvey School Field, travels west on Wolseley Avenue,
crosses Omand’s Creek via the foot-bridge, travels east on Wellington Crescent
and ends back at Mulvey School Field. Runners and walkers of all ages welcome!
Can't make it on the event day, but still want to support WBYO?
Contact us at [email protected]
The Run starts at Mulvey School Field, travels west on Wolseley Avenue,
crosses Omand’s Creek via the foot-bridge, travels east on Wellington Crescent
and ends back at Mulvey School Field. Runners and walkers of all ages welcome!
Can't make it on the event day, but still want to support WBYO?
Contact us at [email protected]